ALIGNING energies for



  • Online/Distance

    The ideal choice if you are out of town or prefer staying home for your sessions. UNITY Living Process, Reiki, Biomagnetism and CODICA sessions are all available in distance formats.

  • In person

    Perfect for those who prefer face to face sessions set in a tranquil, away from home environment.

  • group

    Work through the Unity Living Process or Reiki levels 1 and 2 with a small group of friends. This is an amazing way to deepen your overall experience and to create a community of support.

energy work

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work with consciousness of body and mind


unity bubble and unity living process

Find peace and purpose in your life using the deeply transformational potential of the Unity Bubble and Unity Living Process. This spiritual technology protects, clears and awakens. Wrapped in a shield of high-vibrational energy, you become free to release the old energies and deleterious programming of your past, awaken deeply to your true-Self and open to living in new ways, placing your ego in service to your Soul.

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reiki treatment and attunements

Reiki is the art of channeling all that is Love, Light and Divine in the Universe and giving it the intention to heal as the body of the recipient draws off the energy it needs to feel nourished and restored. Reiki re-establishes a normal energy flow throughout the body and rebalances the chakra system. It supports physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being.

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biomagnetism and bioenergetics


BALANCE ph and re-establish homeostasis for optimal physical healing potential


Biomagnetism improves wellness by balancing the pH of internal organs. Stress (physiological, emotional, environmental, etc.) creates detectable energy distortions in our bodies. A Biomagnetic Pair is a low entropy energy distortion that generates resonance between 2 different points in our body with equal strength and opposite polarity. Within each distortion in our body, an environment is created that encourages the life and reproduction of specific pathogens (bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus), leading to illness and potential organ dysfunction. Biomagnetism is a technique used to detect Biomagnetic Pairs and restore pH/energetic imbalances in the body using magnets of low to medium strength placed at specific scanning points. To date there are over 350 known Biomagnetic Pairs covering most pathogenic microbes, glandular dysfunctions, toxicity, special and emotional imbalances, and helping restore health and emotional well-being.

BioEnergetics allows the therapy of Biomagnetism to be conducted at any distance.

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IMPROVE cerebral cortical EFFICIENCY IN RESPONSE TO stress


Improve your mental state and stop and reverse the somatization of disease with this unique technique that is designed to accelerate the change of inefficient behaviour patterns by locating and stimulating specific neuronal circuits. Areas of the cerebral cortex that are efficient for a specific task are activated using binaural stimulation to incorporate motor strategies that effectively manage emotions and behaviour. This is ideal for stress management, anxiety and depression.

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